Thursday, June 26, 2014








时间:2014 7 3 日(星期四)下午7:30点开始  仪式前后敬备简餐招待(6:30)

地点:迈阿密华人基督福音教会  10200 SW 107 AVE., MIAMI, FL 33176

请确认您的光临(RSVP),中文请致电786-473-0912 ,英文请致电305-987-5300





宫景耀 牧师






Sub: Ten Year Anniversary Celebration for the Chinese Christian Gospel Church In Miami


Dear Pastor, Church Leaders and Friends,

The Chinese Christian Gospel Church in Miami is pleased to host a thanksgiving service on Thursday , July 3rd, 2014, to celebrating its tenth year anniversary.  When our church first started, we faced many hurdles and difficulties, but with God’s amazing grace, and the focused leadership of several pastors, our church has flourished, growing and training many faithful servants for His kingdom.  

As we celebrate the tenth anniversary of our church, we would like to invite all God’s shepherds, church leaders like you, to join us to reflect on Lord’s grace to us and to offer our gratitude to our almighty God. It is our prayer that through our continued hard work, we will together to fulfill God’s will for our church.


Time:      Thursday July 3, 2014,  7:30PM,
                Refreshment before and after the service, starting 6:30 PM

Location: Chinese Christian Gospel Church in Miami
                10200 SW 107 Avenue,  Miami
FL 33176

Please RSVP by 305-987-5300 in English, and 786-473-0912 in Chinese,
                  or Email to:

We are look forward to hearing from you soon.




Rev. Daniel Gong

Pastor of Chinese Christian Gospel Church

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