Saturday, October 23, 2010

转载:智利煤矿工人获救 – 一些不为人知的“内幕”

Dear friend,

Please read and forward, especially to Chinese, and remember them as they read it. English is further below. A pdf version of the Chinese is also attached.

If you have friends in China, you can send it to them also. Feel free to edit it, if you think you should.

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智利煤矿工人获救 – 一些不为人知的“内幕”








然后他引用诗篇95章第4节作为结尾:“地的深处在他手中,山的高峰也属他。 ”






这部令人激动的影片已被制作成影碟,有国语版和英语版,也有成人版和儿童版。如果您有兴趣,可以拨打使者协会大陆文字事工部的热线电话888-999-7959;或链接 或 订购(通常奉献价为4美元一盘,如果您是从这封邮件中得知这部影碟,订购的时候可按照特价3美元一盘,运费另外计算。)


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Untold insight into the Chilean miners rescue!

With all the bad news we hear every day, the world has been privileged to witness a rare good news event. Thirty three Chilean miners were virtually “buried” nearly 4/10ths of a mile (over 6/10ths of a kilometer) underground.

For 17 days they did not know that anyone could ever find them, and for sixty nine days they could know the outcome. Then the dramatic rescue.

There was much publicity of the determined efforts of man and technology, but what you may not have heard is the fact that to a great extent the miners trust was in God, in Jesus Christ.

We may hear more details about this, but little publicized reports tell of great faith in God, times of prayer twice a day. At the beginning 3 were evangelical believers. One led in Bible study and at least 20 were participating.

The director of the Jesus Film Project for Chile after some effort was able to get an MP3 version of the Jesus Film and the New Testament portion of the Bible in MP3 format.

One of the believers sent a note back, “Thank you for this tremendous blessing for me and my coworkers. It will be good for our spiritual edification. I am fine because Christ lives in me. We have prayer services at 12 noon and 6 pm.”

And then he finished by quoting Psalm 95:4 “In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him."

A few days later the request came to this Jesus film project director to get them special T-shirts. As they came out of the mine, most – maybe all -- of them put on this T-shirt. On the front is “Thank you, Lord.” On the back the quote from Psalm 95:4. And on the sleeve a logo for the Jesus Film Project.

Some knelt in front of a watching world thanking God for their delivery. One well-known Spanish broadcaster who was there, reported on the Huckabee show on Fox News channel, that the youngest of the 33 said there were 34 in the mine, not 33. When asked why, he said, “God was with us the whole time.”

The following Sunday, many of them were back at the rescue site with family members for a religious service.

One can learn more in English at The story behind the Chilean miners' Jesus T-Shirts and

The Jesus film is the most viewed film in history. It depicts the life of Jesus as recorded by the Gospel of Luke in the Bible, including the horrible crucifixion for our sins, and then how Jesus was laid in a tomb-like cave after his crucifixion. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead!

This stirring film on DVD, with both adult and children’s version in both Mandarin and English, is available from the MC Lit. Dept of AFC: 888-999-7959,, (It is normally $4.00, but if you mention this email when ordering, you can get up to five for just $3.00 each, plus shipping.)

For people who are located in the region, one can find it at

and at

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